Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

We wanted to take a moment during this holiday season to thank you for your support of the work we do at ISKME. With your help we have been able to make continuous improvements to OER Commons, ISKME’s digital public library of open educational resources — providing access to education for all, and to host life-changing events like Big Ideas Fest, which this year focused on Educating to Be Human.

We think you, too, will be inspired by Guadalupe, a student participant in this year’s Big Ideas Fest describing what this event meant to her:

We’ve accomplished a lot this year, including:  

  • A stellar Big Ideas Fest 2016, where committed participants, including 20 high school students, came together to find solutions to real-world challenges

  • A new partnership with Clever, expanding ISKME’s OER Commons reach to Clever’s 50,000 schools and all of their learners with single sign-on

  • The integration of Google Classroom with OER Commons

  • Becoming a platform partner in the national #GoOpen Initiative, and a Future Ready Coalition Partner, supporting awareness of OER and open education practice

  • Creating exemplar OER partnerships between K-12 school librarians and science educators

During this season of giving, please consider making a gift to ISKME to ensure that we are able to continue “Educating to Be Human” well into the future. Every dollar counts. If you are unable to give today, you can show your support by sharing our donation page with your friends and family.

In 2017 we will support educators and learners in their use of OER, provide more opportunities for students to participate in the design of their own learning, and help create a world with greater educational equity, opportunity, and emphasis on our shared humanity.

Best wishes, 

Lisa Petrides, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO, ISKME

P.S. Please consider becoming a sustaining donor by setting up an automatic monthly gift. Sustaining gifts provide a steady source of support for ISKME’s work with educators and students. All gifts are tax deductible and gifts of any amount are appreciated.