The KIDmob director trifecta took a little road trip down to Half Moon Bay to attend ISKME‘s (Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management) Big Ideas Fest this year. What a blast!

The KIDmob director trifecta took a little road trip down to Half Moon Bay to attend ISKME‘s (Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management) Big Ideas Fest this year. What a blast! We have been followers of the work of ISKME for quite a while now, even interviewing Samantha Meazell, Director of Training and Design, as a part of our annual Friendship Month last July. The KIDmob team emphatically recommends the annual Big Ideas Fest event to all who might be interested. It was an active and inspirational four days of buzzing energy, discussion, learning, and thinking – the antithesis of doggedly spectating in a sea of anonymity to an onstage talking head from waywayway in the back, wondering upon departure if the conference you just observed (not participated in!) was truly worth your several hundred bucks and the time off of work. Instead we walked away refreshed and validated in what we do, with several new friends (WikiSeatSproutelLosangelista,HighTechHighTaylor Mali Foundation for Learning EqualityArts Ed Matters, and +++) and ample food for thought.