ISKME is a global
nonprofit that
inspires and convenes
educators to embrace
the practice of
Open Education
Research and Development
Since its founding in 2002, ISKME has built an extensive body of research and frameworks. We serve the field by offering in-depth landscape and impact studies and program development around equitable and inclusive access to high-quality education for all. Learn more
Platforms, Tools and Training
Leveraging the world-class public digital library of Open Educational Resources, OER Commons, ISKME’s OER Services offer custom solutions to our partners to support OER initiatives. Learn more
Knowledge Sharing and Innovation
As the creator of Big Ideas Fest and the design-thinking approach, Action Collabs, ISKME facilitates transformative processes and events to deepen collaboration and problem-solving among educators globally. Learn more
OER Commons Public Digital Library
ISKME created OER Commons, a comprehensive, openly accessible digital library for educators at all levels to identify high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER) and collaborate around their use, evaluation, and improvement to address the needs of their classrooms. Learn more
Latest News
Big Ideas Fest 2015 + #dtk12chat = my brain exploding
I am exhausted beyond belief and completely out of my gourd psyched to be attending my second ISKME Big Ideas Fest (#bif2015) this week in sunny, if not exactly warm, San Jose, CA. We're only about four hours into the event and already my poor,...
Big Ideas Impacting Teaching and Learning
I recently had an opportunity to catch up with a member of our BIFnik community, Chula Vista High Tech High Director, Lillian Hsu. Lillian attended Big Ideas Fest in 2014 along with three teachers from her school. Lillian and her teachers utilized their time at Big...
School Librarians Team Up With Teachers to Create Freely Available STEM Lessons
School librarians and STEM teachers in seven New Hampshire school districts are working together to co-plan and share lessons as part of a program aimed at bridging the gap between librarians—and the resources they have access to—and STEM teachers, who are...
School Librarians and STEM in the Digital Age: Faculty Advance a New Program Integrating OER
A powerful shift is in progress where, increasingly, librarian expertise in inquiry, 21st learning skills, and information literacy is becoming critical to STEM learning and classrooms and to the development of cultures of inquiry that extend beyond the boundaries of...