ISKME is a global
nonprofit that
inspires and convenes
educators to embrace
the practice of
Open Education
Research and Development
Since its founding in 2002, ISKME has built an extensive body of research and frameworks. We serve the field by offering in-depth landscape and impact studies and program development around equitable and inclusive access to high-quality education for all. Learn more
Platforms, Tools and Training
Leveraging the world-class public digital library of Open Educational Resources, OER Commons, ISKME’s OER Services offer custom solutions to our partners to support OER initiatives. Learn more
Knowledge Sharing and Innovation
As the creator of Big Ideas Fest and the design-thinking approach, Action Collabs, ISKME facilitates transformative processes and events to deepen collaboration and problem-solving among educators globally. Learn more
OER Commons Public Digital Library
ISKME created OER Commons, a comprehensive, openly accessible digital library for educators at all levels to identify high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER) and collaborate around their use, evaluation, and improvement to address the needs of their classrooms. Learn more
Latest News
Così si adatta l’insegnamento alle esigenze degli studenti
Non solo tablet e lim (la lavagna interattiva multimediale): la scuola “digitale”, ormai, è fatta anche e soprattutto di metodo e filosofia. È quanto sostiene Lisa Petrides, docente di Organizzazione e Leadership della Columbia University e fondatrice, nel 2002,...
States, Not Publishers, Driving Innovation in the Curriculum Marketplace
Over the past five years, education leaders and researchers have finally begun to focus on the need for quality, standards-aligned curricula. Now the question is: Where will these curricula come from? Will schools continue to rely on traditional publishers,...
Practice Supporting Deeper Learning Through OER and Open Educational
By: Lisa Petrides, Amee Evans Godwin, and Cynthia Jimes By: Lisa Petrides, Amee Evans Godwin, and Cynthia Jimes Although some in the field of open educational resources (OER) and open access movements may seek to upend portions of the publishing industry...
The Untapped Potential of Open-Source for Education
Some say there’s no such thing as a free lunch. The open-source movement begs to differ. The prevalence of eLearning has made it easier than ever to create and share open-source resources. Some say there’s no such thing as a free lunch. The open-source movement...