ISKME is a global
nonprofit that
inspires and convenes
educators to embrace
the practice of
Open Education

Research and Development

Since its founding in 2002, ISKME has built an extensive body of research and frameworks. We serve the field by offering in-depth land­scape and impact studies and program devel­opment around equitable and inclusive access to high-quality education for all. Learn more

Platforms, Tools and Training

Leveraging the world-class public digital library of Open Educational Resources, OER Commons, ISKME’s OER Services offer custom solutions to our partners to support OER ini­tiatives. Learn more

Knowledge Sharing and Innovation

As the creator of Big Ideas Fest and the design-thinking approach, Action Collabs, ISKME facilitates transformative processes and events to deepen collaboration and prob­lem-solving among educators globally. Learn more

OER Commons Public Digital Library

ISKME created OER Commons, a comprehensive, openly accessible digital library for educators at all levels to identify high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER) and collaborate around their use, evaluation, and improvement to address the needs of their classrooms. Learn more

Latest News

Feds Come Around to OER — Slowly

Feds Come Around to OER — Slowly

Three times since 2013, members in both houses of Congress have introduced the Affordable College Textbook Act, which would create a federal program to fund the creation of open educational resources on a nationwide scale. Each time, that bill has faltered in...

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Open Educational Resources Movement Scales Up

Open Educational Resources Movement Scales Up

Open educational resources typically have been offered to educators in bite-sized chunks—an individual lesson here, a classroom module there—and have been meant to fill in holes the core curriculum does not address.But over the past few years, a number of...

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