Bringing Our Authentic Selves To Make Change with Ashanti Branch of The Ever Forward Club
Ashanti Branch, Founder of The Ever Forward Club
Civitas Learning’s new OER search tool allows students to optimize their course schedule with classes that utilize open, low-cost course materials.
Responding to student demand for ways to reduce the cost of college, student success leader Civitas Learning today announced the launch of new search technology specifically designed to help students find courses that offer open educational resources (OER). This would...
Why Controlled Digital Lending Matters to Schools
As an educator who has built a career around the research and practice of how the use of information and knowledge impacts continuous improvement in all aspects of education, I read with great interest the recent position statement on controlled digital lending...
Providing the knowledge to succeed in a digital world.
The Intel® Learn Easy Steps program was originally developed by Intel(link is external) to provide digital literacy training to adult and youth learnings with little or no experience with computing devices. The course and activity cards provide...
Affordable Learning Ohio Summit showcases initiative’s development
Ohio’s affordable learning efforts continue to gain a foothold throughout the state