Celebrating the Completion of Season 1: Educating to Be Human
We are celebrating the completion of Season 1, with 10 episodes of the "Educating to Be Human" podcast series. They are meant to be thought-provoking and engaging, and to shed light on the idea that creation and curiosity--essential superpowers of humans--can be...
ISKME’s Guiding Principles for Responsible AI in the World of “Open”
As a nonprofit organization working in the open education space, we have witnessed first-hand the frenetic pace of all things AI, particularly as they relate to education. While several members of our team have eagerly explored ways in which AI tools could be applied...
Educators Embrace Open Educational Resources: A Curricular Game-Changer for Today’s Classrooms
In an era of rapid technological advancement and evolving educational needs, teachers across the country are turning to open educational resources (OER) to transform their classrooms. These freely accessible, openly licensed materials are reshaping the landscape of...

Launching the “Educating to be Human” Podcast!
A new bi-weekly podcast hosted by Lisa Petrides, ISKME's CEO, “Educating to Be Human” explores what it means to be human at the intersection of education, technology and culture. In each episode, Lisa speaks with people who, through their passion and commitment, are...

Bridging Visions: How the #GoOpen National Network Amplifies NETP24’s Mission
Originally posted on LinkedIn > The release of the National Educational Technology Plan 2024 (NETP24) by the U.S. Department of Education marks a pivotal moment in educational technology. This comprehensive strategy document outlines the roadmap for leveraging...