Sign up for one of our upcoming Action Collab Facilitator Training sessions!

Action Collabs help groups discover innovative fixes to practical challenges and create real value for educators and learners. It is a collaborative approach to problem-solving that combines human-centered design-thinking concepts with improvisation techniques to unlock a group’s creativity and capacity for innovation.

Sign up for one of our upcoming Action Collab Facilitator Training sessions!

Action Collabs help groups discover innovative fixes to practical challenges and create real value for educators and learners. It is a collaborative approach to problem-solving that combines human-centered design-thinking concepts with improvisation techniques to unlock a group’s creativity and capacity for innovation.

ISKME offers two-day professional development training sessions for participants to learn how to facilitate an Action Collab. The training includes a first-hand look at the Action Collab process, and then provides a detailed step by step guide and rationale of the process, including how to create relevant and action-worthy design challenges. Time is dedicated for participants to practice giving process instructions and facilitating activities with rich debrief and reflection on learning as a group.

Take this design-thinking approach back to your own organization, or add it into your own facilitation service offerings. All participants leave with practical, relevant experience, and a detailed Facilitator Guidebook.

Action Collabs have been used to:

  • Redesign curriculum

  • Rethink parent engagement in schools

  • Explore new models for structuring teaching and learning services

  • Imagine new revenue models

  • Transform educator professional development

Register for the March 28-29 training.

Register for the August 1-2 training.

Cost – $1,800 per session (includes breakfast and lunch both days).


BIFnik – $200 off registration

Bring a friend – $500 off

Team of three – $3,500 total

Please contact Leah at for discount code details

Time & Location:


Schools of the Sacred Heart

2222 Broadway, San Fransico, CA 94115


For more information email