Schools Maximize Free Content

Schools Maximize Free Content

When Tullahoma City Schools administrators started shopping for new social studies textbooks in 2013, they were disappointed to find only a few options aligned to the new Tennessee state standards. Rather than wait for newer textbooks to be released, the district...

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Big ideas Fest é inspiração do começo ao fim

Big ideas Fest é inspiração do começo ao fim

Evento anual de Design Thinking na educação realizado na Califórnia, fala de disrupção no conteúdo e na organização e evidencia o desgaste dos formatos tradicionaisPor Priscila Gonsales Evento anual de Design Thinking na educação realizado na...

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Big Ideas Fest 2015 + #dtk12chat = my brain exploding

Big Ideas Fest 2015 + #dtk12chat = my brain exploding

I am exhausted beyond belief and completely out of my gourd psyched to be attending my second ISKME Big Ideas Fest (#bif2015) this week in sunny, if not exactly warm, San Jose, CA. We're only about four hours into the event and already my poor,...

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