Schools Maximize Free Content
When Tullahoma City Schools administrators started shopping for new social studies textbooks in 2013, they were disappointed to find only a few options aligned to the new Tennessee state standards. Rather than wait for newer textbooks to be released, the district...
Big ideas Fest é inspiração do começo ao fim
Evento anual de Design Thinking na educação realizado na Califórnia, fala de disrupção no conteúdo e na organização e evidencia o desgaste dos formatos tradicionaisPor Priscila Gonsales Evento anual de Design Thinking na educação realizado na...
A NOTE FROM EDUCATION REIMAGINED: Refections from the Big Ideas Fest
Dear Pioneers, Dear Pioneers, Last week, I had the opportunity to be in attendance at the Big Ideas Fest (BIF) in San Jose, California. This gathering, now in its 7th year, brought together 175 curious practitioners and innovators in the field of education...
Big Ideas Fest 2015 + #dtk12chat = my brain exploding
I am exhausted beyond belief and completely out of my gourd psyched to be attending my second ISKME Big Ideas Fest (#bif2015) this week in sunny, if not exactly warm, San Jose, CA. We're only about four hours into the event and already my poor,...
School Librarians Team Up With Teachers to Create Freely Available STEM Lessons
School librarians and STEM teachers in seven New Hampshire school districts are working together to co-plan and share lessons as part of a program aimed at bridging the gap between librarians—and the resources they have access to—and STEM teachers, who are...