As we put the final plans into place for ISKME’s 8th annual Big Ideas Fest, we are pleased to announce our partnership with the Born This Way Foundation and Intel’s Hack Harassment Initiative. Hack Harassment is a cooperative initiative among those who want to take a stand against online harassment and provide safer, more inclusive online experiences. Take the Hack Harassment Pledge here.

At Big Ideas Fest, the Hack Harassment Initiative will showcase a storytelling panel of innovators who have designed solutions to hack online harassment. Represented on the panel will be young adults who have direct first-hand experience designing solutions to harassment in virtual spaces. Panelists will share their stories of how they addressed harassment in order to bring their whole selves to online spaces, sharing their passions and interests.

Born This Way Foundation’s Executive Director, Maya Enista Smith and IDEO Designer, Jonah Houston will moderate as Big Ideas Fest participants gather insights from the panelist’s experience to inform our collaborative design work for the day, which is focused on how we might create safe learning environments in today’s blended virtual and physical learning spaces.
Within Big Ideas Fest’s signature combination of immersive design thinking and collaboration, inspirational rapid fire and keynote speakers and storytellers, and networking among diverse educators, our theme Educating to Be Human will focus on how to design learning environments where the whole self is supported and nurtured. This includes examples of innovation in social emotional learning, conflict resolution, and refugee education, to name a few. The extension of this will be to inspire participants to design solutions that embrace the social and emotional aspects of humanity, and directly inform policy and actionable next steps.


Please join us at Big Ideas Fest 2016, December 4-7 in San Jose, California. Register today!