by Mindy | Feb 29, 2016 | In The News
ISKME will be presenting the first in a series of OER webinars, on STEM Literacy & OER Commons. This webinar will guide attendees through using OER to address STEM inquiry through literacy, targeting CCSS science literacy as well as science inquiry standards, by...
by admin | Feb 28, 2016 | In The News
At the #GoOpen Exchange on Friday, everyone was talking about OER and the need to curate. The Twiter feed shows the buzz around the trending event and it shows school librarians were at the table.As the initiative moves forward, it is critical for us to choose to be...
by admin | Feb 26, 2016 | In The News
The U.S. Department of Education today announced the launch of 13 statewide #GoOpen initiatives committed to supporting school districts and educators as they transition to the use of high-quality, openly-licensed educational resources in their schools. This inaugural...
by admin | Feb 18, 2016 | In The News
There are a lot of Open Educational Resources out there, which is exciting if you are a teacher, as you can find myriad of lessons and ideas. The big issue with OER is of course the quality of what you find, does it really align to your instructional goals, and...
by admin | Feb 1, 2016 | In The News
When Tullahoma City Schools administrators started shopping for new social studies textbooks in 2013, they were disappointed to find only a few options aligned to the new Tennessee state standards. Rather than wait for newer textbooks to be released, the district...
by admin | Dec 22, 2015 | In The News
Evento anual de Design Thinking na educação realizado na Califórnia, fala de disrupção no conteúdo e na organização e evidencia o desgaste dos formatos tradicionaisPor Priscila Gonsales Evento anual de Design Thinking na educação realizado na Califórnia, fala de...