Back to School Haiku Competition

Back to School Haiku Competition

To kick off the school year, ISKME is hosting a Back to School Haiku Competition. To kick off the school year, ISKME is hosting a Back to School Haiku Competition. Educators are invited to create an original haiku that describes how they will support student success...
BIFnik Spotlight: Bryan Lakatos

BIFnik Spotlight: Bryan Lakatos

 We caught up with Bryan Lakatos, Director of Technology & Innovation at The Miami Valley School in Dayton, OH. In addition to being a two time BIFnik, Bryan attended our recent Action Collab Facilitator Training and shared how Big Ideas Fest has impacted his...
Beyond Big Ideas Fest: Featuring Tara Jahn

Beyond Big Ideas Fest: Featuring Tara Jahn

 We love having educators come to Big Ideas Fest for the first time. When they come back year after year and bring their colleagues, it’s even better. We caught up with Colorado Education Initiative’s Tara Jahn @Tara_Jahn to see how she has been...
What Role Does Theory Play in OER Success?

What Role Does Theory Play in OER Success?

Last month, OER research got some serious air time. I attended a convening of researchers, school district leaders, state departments of education, and funders at the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C. to shine a light on where OER research has been and...
Moving from Skill to Personal Practice

Moving from Skill to Personal Practice

It’s a philosophy of life. A practice. If you do this, something will change, what will change is that you will change, your life will change, and if you can change you, you can perhaps change the world-Vivienne Westwood It’s a philosophy of life. A...
From Stories to Solutions: Action Collabs in Action

From Stories to Solutions: Action Collabs in Action

It’s not often that we see evidence for the claim that a small group of people can make enormous leaps in understanding and problem solving in a short amount of time, but that is exactly what ISKME’s Action Collab design process proved, on the first day of this past...