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The release of the National Educational Technology Plan 2024 (NETP24) by the U.S. Department of Education marks a pivotal moment in educational technology. This comprehensive strategy document outlines the roadmap for leveraging technology in education, reaffirming our commitment to digital equity, innovative teaching, and effective use of open educational resources (OER). At this intersection of NETP24’s visionary goals and practical pathways, the #GoOpen National Network emerges as a critical ally.

#GoOpen encourages states, school districts, and educators to adopt OER to transform teaching and learning. Our mission aligns seamlessly with NETP24’score principles of promoting access, equity, and innovation in education through freely available, high-quality educational materials.

Bridging the Gap with Open Educational Resources

NETP24 emphasizes the importance of equitable educational access for all learners. The #GoOpen National Network champions open education, enabling a robust knowledge exchange and fostering strategic practice and policy actions. By offering extensive resource collections, we enable K-12 educators and leaders to freely access, customize, and share teaching materials, enhancing their instructional strategies and curriculum design. This openness supports personalized learning and empowers educators to innovate and collaborate effectively. #GoOpen encourages education leaders to adopt open education policies, shaping a more inclusive and adaptable educational landscape. Through these initiatives, the #GoOpen National Network plays a pivotal role in transforming educational practices and policies, ensuring all students have the resources they need to succeed.

Fostering Innovation and Collaboration

The #GoOpen National Network profoundly supports the innovation-driven vision of the NETP24, which emphasizes the adoption of new pedagogies and technologies in education. By fostering a vibrant community of practice, the #GoOpen National Network provides educators with a platform to collaborate, exchange best practices, and create innovative instructional materials. This collaborative environment not only improves the quality of education but also directly aligns with the goals of NETP24 to utilize technology in crafting dynamic learning experiences. Through these initiatives, the network actively enhances educational strategies and supports a transformative approach to teaching and learning that is both innovative and inclusive.

Supporting Professional Development

NETP24 highlights the importance of professional development in empowering educators to effectively integrate technology into their teaching. In alignment, the #GoOpen National Network provides invaluable resources and learning opportunities for educators through our resources and professional learning opportunities. We host monthly professional learning webinars, a cornerstone of our support system, enabling educators to stay current with the latest practices and innovations in OER/OEP. These webinars also align with NETP24’s goals, equipping educators and leaders to effectively navigate the digital landscape and implement NETP24’s recommendations. This support system enhances educators’ abilities to foster a technologically integrated and dynamic educational environment, aligning directly with NETP24’s strategic goals for elevating educational practices through sustained professional development.


As we navigate the future of education, the synergy between the National Educational Technology Plan 2024 and the #GoOpen National Network offers a beacon of hope. By embracing open educational resources, we can overcome barriers to access, foster a culture of innovation, and ensure that every learner is prepared to thrive in a digital world. Together, the NETP24 and the #GoOpen National Network pave the way for a future where education is inclusive, equitable, and boundlessly creative.

Let’s embrace this opportunity to transform education. Join the #GoOpen movement and be part of the change that NETP24 envisions for our learners today and tomorrow.