Unburden Your Emotional Backpack

Unburden Your Emotional Backpack

Unpacking emotions to nurture student successAs my colleague Shenandoah Weiss outlined in her last post, Lessons for Learning, managing fear, cultivating trust, and encouraging creativity are all essential building blocks for productive, holistic learning. Unpacking...

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Creating Constructive Collaboration

Creating Constructive Collaboration

As my colleague Shen pointed out in her blog last week, a sense of community is critical for facilitating the learning process for both teachers and students. Unfortunately, community is not a word many teachers would use to describe their work; in fact, many...

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Lessons for Learning

Lessons for Learning

Big Ideas Fest is ISKME’s annual education convening, where in addition to experiencing design thinking, participants are also engaged in an exciting and holistic conversation about learning. We know that real learning is often a messy, arduous, nonlinear process, and...

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Action Collab Facilitator Training, Sept 19-20

Action Collab Facilitator Training, Sept 19-20

We are pleased to announce the upcoming two-day Action Collab™ Facilitator Training, September 19th and 20th in San Francisco. The Facilitator Training includes:first-hand experience of the Action Collab processin-depth introduction to the framework

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