Each December, education stakeholders gather at Half Moon Bay for a three-day immersion into creative collaboration with a goal to transform K-20 education. ISKME’s (The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education) annual event Big Ideas Fest includes keynotes and RapidFire Talks with thought leaders hitting hard on important change points in education.

Each December, education stakeholders gather at Half Moon Bay for a three-day immersion into creative collaboration with a goal to transform K-20 education. ISKME’s (The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education) annual event Big Ideas Fest includes keynotes and RapidFire Talks with thought leaders hitting hard on important change points in education. Action Collabs provide design-thinking labs that engage groups of teachers, policy makers, students, funders, entrepreneurs and eduprenuers to brainstorm and prototype  – on the spot – creating scalable solutions to the big issues in education. A lively combination of education evolution and revolution, the event provides a great pulse to systemic change occurring in education in an atmosphere that encourages risk and imagination, and informs national discussions for each year following the gathering. – See more at: http://civitaslearningspace.com/civitas_learning_space/story/big-ideas-fest-transforming-education-in-a-festival-of-ideas#sthash.vTcVFWAV.dpuf