More Than You Knew About MOOCs

As a research assistant at ISKME, I have opportunities to investigate cutting-edge innovations in education everyday.  This past year I was tasked with a project to investigate alternative pathways in education, such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses),...
Craving Questions at Big Ideas Fest

Craving Questions at Big Ideas Fest

As Big Ideas Fest 2012 comes to a close under a soft canopy of clouds in Half Moon Bay, a frenetic buzz resounded inside the walls of the main ballroom with its 200 participants. Even after three days of intense listening to Rapid Fire speakers and collaboration on...
Finding a Professional Family

Finding a Professional Family

From the moment I met Emmy Negrin during dinner at Big Ideas Fest 2011, I knew that I liked her. We hit it off quickly, sharing interests in LGBTQ issues, backgrounds in international education, and enthusiasm for our Action Collab groups.  I learned she had...
Creating Constructive Collaboration

Creating Constructive Collaboration

As my colleague Shen pointed out in her blog last week, a sense of community is critical for facilitating the learning process for both teachers and students. Unfortunately, community is not a word many teachers would use to describe their work; in fact, many...

Coding Open-Ended Survey Data

I recently started coding the BIF participant survey data using my typical method. I imported the data into excel, looked for patterns in the open responses, and developed categories based on what I found. For the BIF survey, there are 77 responses, and for many...