Surf Lessons for Educational Innovators

Surf Lessons for Educational Innovators

Nothing truly innovative, nothing that has advanced art, business, design, or humanity, was ever created in the face of genuine certainty or perfect information. Because the only way to be certain before you begin is if the thing you seek to do has already been done.-...
Utilizing the Commons for Common Core

Utilizing the Commons for Common Core

As states put their plans into place for Common Core State Standard implementation, many are realizing how Open Educational Resources (OER) and open practices play an essential role in accessing the true power of the Common Core. The opportunity for sharing and...
Words of Wisdom from an OER Fellow

Words of Wisdom from an OER Fellow

Applications are now being accepted for ISKME’s 2012-2013 OER Fellowship Program Applications are now being accepted for ISKME’s 2012-2013 OER Fellowship ProgramNext month we’ll embark on our fourth year of the OER Fellowship Program. Each fall we accept up...
Dedicated to Detroit

Dedicated to Detroit

Last week’s blog by ISKME’s Director of Research, Cynthia Jimes, focused on how institutions are supporting the development of social and emotional learning skills in students. This week we’ll get a glimpse of the work we at ISKME are doing to support skill...
The 21st Century Educator: Teachers As Co-Designers

The 21st Century Educator: Teachers As Co-Designers

At the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME), we are changing the face of professional development training for the 21st century educator by collaborating worldwide with educators, administrators, and students. At the Institute for the...