Open Educational Resources Movement Scales Up

Open Educational Resources Movement Scales Up

Open educational resources typically have been offered to educators in bite-sized chunks—an individual lesson here, a classroom module there—and have been meant to fill in holes the core curriculum does not address.But over the past few years, a number of...
New Framework Offers Way to Validate OER Commitment

New Framework Offers Way to Validate OER Commitment

A new report proposes a framework by which open educational resource initiatives — and particularly those promulgated by for-profit organizations — can be measured. A new report proposes a framework by which open educational resource initiatives — and particularly...
A Guide to Good OER Stewardship

A Guide to Good OER Stewardship

Interest in open educational resources — freely accessible and openly licensed learning materials — is booming. Interest in open educational resources — freely accessible and openly licensed learning materials — is booming. But while OER’s growing popularity with...