Open Ed. Resources Encourage Teachers to Tinker

Open Ed. Resources Encourage Teachers to Tinker

Educators often argue that they need more control over the development of the curriculum they are teaching. Open education resources may be the answer, said several educators during presentations at the Open Education Conference here in Vancouver on Tuesday.— ...
Common Core Drives Interest in Open Education Resources

Common Core Drives Interest in Open Education Resources

Spurred by the adoption of common-core standards by nearly every state, the movement for open digital resources is growing as educators realign curricula—  Spurred by the adoption of common-core standards by nearly every state, the movement for open digital resources...
Educators Flex for Effectiveness

Educators Flex for Effectiveness

It is a new school year and I still find myself instinctively gearing up for the pace and rigor of starting a new year. Until a few years ago, my work was in California public schools, coordinating state-level student assessments, managing textbook adoptions and...