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Open Educational Resources Fill Gap for Underserved Students
During the past decade, the idea of education as a 21st-century civil rights issue has surged. Many of our nation's public schools that serve large numbers of low-income communities frequently face funding challenges that result in inadequate facilities and...

The Power of Encouragement As a Force for Learning
Let Learning Happen As an educator and founder of a nonprofit education institute, I believe, as does recent TED Prize winner, educator Sugata Mitra, that we are better off creating conditions to “let learning happen” rather than creating rigid structures that favor...

The selling of Open Educational Resources (OER)
As a self-professed metadata geek, I’ve recently been participating in an online discussion about metadata and the Learning Registry. I have to say, it feels as if I’m on a merry-go-round that won’t stop, because for the past 10 years I’ve engaged in dozens if not...

A Broader View of OER: In Response to McShane’s Article on Open Education
Michael Q. McShane’s article, “Open Education: Is the federal government overstepping its role?” (Winter 2017) makes the case that educators are essentially consumers of open education resources (OER) who lack the time, skill, and support to handle the “administrivia”...

The Role Of “Open” In Strategic Library Planning
Education Policy Analysis Archives is a peer reviewed, independent, open access, multilingual journal. EPAA/AAPE just published a special issue & two videos commentaries (in English) Models of Open Education in Higher Education View Original