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OER Case Study Publication No.4, Mission 2007 Training Commons: Developing a Living Curriculum for Telecentre Workers in India
A large-scale initiative by the government of India to create "telecentres" in villages throughout the country created a need for training materials to support hundreds of thousands of future telecentre managers. The Mission 2007 Training Commons initiative...
OER Case Study Publication No.6, WGBH’s Teachers’ Domain: Producing Open Materials and Engaging Users
Teacher's Domain is an online repository of multimedia open education resources launched by WGBH in 2002. This case study examines the successes and challenges involved in developing an open content model using public multimedia archives. Specifically, this...
OER Case Study Publication No. 2, Curriki: Facilitating Use and User Engagement Around Open Educational Resources
Curriki is a wiki-based website that enables users to create, remix, and share open educational resources. This case study seeks to understand the behaviors of Curriki users, and to identify ways to facilitate and support sustained user engagement....
OER Case Study Publication No.3,CurriculumNet: Creating Freely Available Curriculum Materials to Meet Uganda’s Growing Student Population
To meet the needs of its rapidly growing student population, the government of Uganda has adopted Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a central part of its strategy for curriculum development and dissemination. The goals of the CurriculumNet...
The Governors Speak 2009: A Report on the State-of-the-State Addresses of the Nation’s and U.S. Territories’ Governors
Nodine, T., Jimes, C. (2009). The Governors Speak — 2009 A Report on the State-of-the-State Addressesof the Nation’s and U.S. Territories’ Governors. The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices.View Original Nodine, T., Jimes, C....