All Publications

Leveraging OER to advance DEI: A Guide for Campus Change Agents
This guide is designed to support the integration of open educational resources (OER) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals within higher education institutions. Built upon research funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation that examined the...

OER in Texas Statewide Playbook; A Holistic Approach to Systems Change
The Open Educational Resources (OER) in Texas Statewide Playbook is a resource developed by practitioners and advocates actively involved in the labor of open education to guide new and expanding OER work at institutions of higher education. The Playbook is the result...

Five Faculty and Library Curation Personas to Aid OER Discovery Solutions
Abstract: Though use of OER course materials in college classes is associated positively with student success, a principal barrier to OER adoption by faculty is difficulty in finding needed resources. This paper explores how user-experience (UX) research can be used...

ZTC Gap Analysis: High Wage, High Demand Fields
With Spark Grant funding from the Michelson 20MM Foundation, ISKME conducted a study to explore planned Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) degrees and certificates across the Bay Area's community colleges, and the overlap with projected high wage, high demand fields. The study ...

Advancing an Ecosystem for OER in Texas Higher Education – Biennial Report 2021
This report presents the results of a biennial independent survey commissioned by the Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex), in collaboration with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), to examine the landscape of Open Educational...