Like most good conversations, it started over dinner.

Like most good conversations, it started over dinner.

This past October, my colleague Megan Simmons and I were in Chios, Greece facilitating Action Collabs for the inaugural Green Ideas Project. One night at dinner I was sitting with an international array of participants including Agro-Know R&D Director Nikos Manouselis, and Simone Ravaioli from Slow Food. I was listening to them discuss the success of the event and how powerful it is to gather stakeholders from all corners of environmental work including production, programming, marketing and education to solve large problems together. And then Simone and Nikos had an idea. Host the next year (this year!) Green Ideas Project in Turin, Italy during Slow Food’s biennial Terra Madre.

The result? Green Ideas 2012, October 22-24, 2012 to be held at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Bra, Italy. Forty participants will split into two cohorts and focus on two Design Challenges: “How might we create a system for communities to collect and use their ancestors’ food wisdom in solving today’s food challenges?” and “How might we use digital resources to educate consumers to make more environmentally-friendly food choices?” Cohorts will collaborate in new ways, prototype solutions to their challenges, and network with environmental and technology experts from around the world.  You’re invited to join Green Ideas 2012 for another spectacular Action Collab focused on food and the environment. To learn more and register for Green Ideas Project 2012, please visit Agro-Know.