The Action Collab, a series of workshops that implement a problem-solving design process as a way to learn how to accelerate collaboration and creativity, will follow the dynamic, four-step approach of the design-thinking framework: Identify Opportunity, Design, Prototype, and Scale and Spread. Participants will address the obstacles and challenges of the current education system and develop innovative ideas and solutions that improve student motivation, create new learning opportunities and support teachers.

The Action Collab, a series of workshops that implement a problem-solving design process as a way to learn how to accelerate collaboration and creativity, will follow the dynamic, four-step approach of the design-thinking framework: Identify Opportunity, Design, Prototype, and Scale and Spread. Participants will address the obstacles and challenges of the current education system and develop innovative ideas and solutions that improve student motivation, create new learning opportunities and support teachers. A few SEC specialists will also go through a Facilitator Training in Arabic that will include an in-depth introduction to the framework, instruction and practice on improve methods, and participation in role-plays that mimic workshops scenarios.

The purpose of this is to develop trained Arabic language facilitators who can conduct dynamic workshops that use design-thinking framework in schools and to build a community of educators that can encourage expansive thought and collaboration. “We are very excited to once again partner with ISKME and the SEC to create pioneering approaches to education-related challenges,” said Maggie Mitchell Salem, Executive Director at QFI. “We are committed to driving innovation solutions that are of importance to Qatar such as enhancing critical thinking skills and student motivation. This collaboration is part of the foundation that underpins QFI’s commitment to young people, and to enabling them to be empowered, global citizens.”

This latest Action Collab further expands QFI’s relationship with ISKME and the SEC. In December 2013, QFI brought 13 teachers and education specialists from Qatar to the Big Ideas Fest (BIF) in Half Moon Bay, California, which convenes teachers, policymakers, researchers, eduprenuers, students, and funders who are championing the transformation of K-20 education. The Peninsula