ISKME will be presenting the first in a series of OER webinars, on STEM Literacy & OER Commons. This webinar will guide attendees through using OER to address STEM inquiry through literacy, targeting CCSS science literacy as well as science inquiry standards, by using a collaborative toolset on OER Commons. We will introduce the new STEM Literacy Hub on OER Commons, the NGSS alignment and browsing tool, and the STEM Inquiry Open Author template, an OER lesson template focused on building textual evidence now being piloted among K-12 librarians and STEM teachers in NH.

ISKME will be presenting the first in a series of OER webinars, on STEM Literacy & OER Commons. This webinar will guide attendees through using OER to address STEM inquiry through literacy, targeting CCSS science literacy as well as science inquiry standards, by using a collaborative toolset on OER Commons. We will introduce the new STEM Literacy Hub on OER Commons, the NGSS alignment and browsing tool, and the STEM Inquiry Open Author template, an OER lesson template focused on building textual evidence now being piloted among K-12 librarians and STEM teachers in NH. Attendees will come away with a deeper understanding of how to utilize OER Commons to find STEM literacy resources, as well as how to use the tools for creating, finding, and aligning OER.

March 9, 2016, 9:00am PST