Cabrillo District teachers attend Big Ideas Fest, an annual convening of innovators in education, redesigning the future of education.

Cabrillo District teachers attend Big Ideas Fest, an annual convening of innovators in education, redesigning the future of education.



An “Education Renaissance” is happening in Half Moon Bay this week, and Cabrillo Unified School District teachers, Abigail Foster and Rosabelle Lynes, are taking part in it.

It’s the Big Ideas Fest, an annual convening of innovators in education held at the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay through Dec. 5 and hosted byInstitute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME), a nonprofit education institute pioneering technologies for open access to learning that’s based in Half Moon Bay. ISKME’s annual event brings together teachers, policy makers, researchers, entrepreneurs, students, and funders who are championing the transformation of K-20 education. 
