I was fortunate to attend this year’s Big Ideas Fest, held in Half Moon Bay, California. While I attended last year’s Big Ideas Fest (BIF), this year’s was particularly relevant to our work here at Open.Michigan. A primary feature of the Big Ideas Fest each year is the action collab, where participants are grouped together to discuss and jam on design challenges.

I was fortunate to attend this year’s Big Ideas Fest, held in Half Moon Bay, California. While I attended last year’s Big Ideas Fest (BIF), this year’s was particularly relevant to our work here at Open.Michigan. A primary feature of the Big Ideas Fest each year is the action collab, where participants are grouped together to discuss and jam on design challenges. One of the challenges at BIF2011 was “How might we leverage open (content, data, and research) to transform teaching and learning?” I was particularly interested in learning about practitioner’s perspectives on ‘open’ and how they see open as being used in educational practices at every level. ISKME is particularly adept at incorporating participants from high school students to funders and everything in between to the conversations and activities at Big Ideas Fest.