Danny Hillis is trying to create an online version of his fourth-grade teacher Mrs. Wilner, an educator who knew her students and could tailor materials and skill assessments to their interests.


This is how Hillis began a lecture to about 180 teachers, administrators and education experts during the third annual Big Ideas Fest held at the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, last week. The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education, or ISKME, sponsored the four-day conference. There were speakers, networking opportunities and group workshops.

Danny Hillis is trying to create an online version of his fourth-grade teacher Mrs. Wilner, an educator who knew her students and could tailor materials and skill assessments to their interests.


This is how Hillis began a lecture to about 180 teachers, administrators and education experts during the third annual Big Ideas Fest held at the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, last week. The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education, or ISKME, sponsored the four-day conference. There were speakers, networking opportunities and group workshops.