Dr. Lisa Petrides, president and founder of the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education, recently posted a blog entry that wonderfully articulates the increasingly important roll of the open education resource movement in education. She writes: 

 Dr. Lisa Petrides, president and founder of the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education, recently posted a blog entry that wonderfully articulates the increasingly important roll of the open education resource movement in education. She writes: 

At ISKME, our research in open education and also in working with teachers and educators around the globe, we have seen that while reduced cost and ease of use have been initial drivers of use, open content also encourages new patterns of collaboration in curriculum development and in enhanced student-centered learning. It places the teacher back in the driver’s seat as the pedagogy expert. But best of all, this is no longer accomplished alone in a silo as many teachers currently practice their craft, but in an open space that encourages collaboration, improvement, access, and innovation.