Common Core State Standards, or CCSS, were designed to prepare students for college and workplace readiness. Although the CCSS ensure that K-12 students across the country study the same rigorous curricula, states have the option to implement the curriculum of their choice.

Common Core State Standards, or CCSS, were designed to prepare students for college and workplace readiness. Although the CCSS ensure that K-12 students across the country study the same rigorous curricula, states have the option to implement the curriculum of their choice.

How can parents take part in their children’s education as the standards roll out? Teachers from College Summit, an organization that partners with 180 high schools across the country to help students toward college and career success, offer practical advice for parents. Here are five tips parents might use to address their state’s implementation of the CCSS:

  1. Know the Roll-Out Time. Parents should know when the roll out will take place so their child has adequate time to make that transition. Read about each state’s roll out plan here.
  2. Stay Informed. Parents can search for informational sessions about the standards and the curriculum. If none are available, they can help initiate such a session and also enlist the aid of teachers knowledgeable about the new standards.
  3. Understand Assessments. Families can learn when students will be assessed. They can find out whether students will be penalized in the first few years of assessment or if a trial period has been set up to allow time for states to aggregate the data and modify the assessment criteria.
  4. Access Resources. Schools often provide supplemental materials so students can get a jump-start on the new curriculum. Check your state’s website, and also the county in which your child is educated.  
  5. Advocate. Don’t forget the teachers! During informational sessions, families can inquire about and advocate for professional development and CCSS training for teachers.

CCSS have been designed to improve K-12 academic achievement  in the U.S., which has lagged in comparison with other industrialized nations. Using these five tips for making the most of CCSS, parents can take a major step in supporting their children—and all American children—toward academic success.