Turning Knowledge Into Action: What Does Data Have to Do With It?

Turning Knowledge Into Action: What Does Data Have to Do With It?

PHOENIX, AZ , June 1, 2004 — The League for Innovation in the Community College is pleased to announce the availability of Turning Knowledge Into Action: What Does Data Have to Do With It? The latest League publication was written by Lisa A. Petrides, President and Founder of the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education.

According to Petrides, .Community colleges, which have been particularly hard hit, are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to mobilize their resources in order to develop successful strategies for people who do not meet traditional college student characteristics..

The publication, available for purchase at www.leaguestore.org, is based on interviews with more than 65 top-level community college administrators. It details how community colleges are facing specific challenges in their efforts to collect data on student performance, to analyze it effectively, and to then share it in meaningful ways that lead to proactive decision making about investments in programs and services . such as targeting remedial assistance to those who need it, matching course availability with student demand, and providing better consumer information for prospective students and other important constituents.