ISKME Action Collab Client List

Adobe: California

AgroKnow: Greece

Bay Area Society for Organizational Learning: California

Big Ideas Fest 2009: California

Big Ideas Fest 2010: California

Big Ideas Fest 2011: California

Big Ideas Fest 2012: California

Big Ideas Fest 2013: California

Big Ideas Fest 2014: California

Big Ideas Fest 2015: California

Big Ideas Fest 2016: California

Coast Community College District: California

Adobe: California

AgroKnow: Greece

Bay Area Society for Organizational Learning: California

Big Ideas Fest 2009: California

Big Ideas Fest 2010: California

Big Ideas Fest 2011: California

Big Ideas Fest 2012: California

Big Ideas Fest 2013: California

Big Ideas Fest 2014: California

Big Ideas Fest 2015: California

Big Ideas Fest 2016: California

Coast Community College District: California

City College of San Francisco: California

Danish Ministry of Education: California

Gateway Public Schools: California

Glendale Community College: California

Green Ideas 2011: Greece

Green Ideas 2012: Italy

Innovation in the Teaching of Sustainable Development in the Life Sciences in Europe: England

Lumina Foundation’s College Productivity Initiative: Montana

MDC hosts Developmental Education Initiative: North Carolina

Manteca Unified School District: California

Missoula County Public Schools: Montana

National League of Cities hosts Communities Learning in Partnership: California

National Science Digital Library Partners Workshop 2014

Open Discovery Space: Greece

Qatar Foundation International Principals Group 2013

Qatar Foundation International and the Supreme Education Council: Design Workshop in 2014

Stanford University School of Education Orientation 2011: California

Stanford University School of Education Orientation 2012: California

The Shuttleworth Foundation: England

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation hosts OER 2011: The Impact of Open on Teaching and Learning: California

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation hosts OER 2015: The Impact of Open on Teaching and Learning: California  <<is there a 2014, 13, 12?>>

WestEd’s Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning hosts the Teacher Practice Network Convening with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2014

Oakland Unified School District, 2015

Qatar Foundation International, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2015

Mountain Heights Academy, Utah, 2016

San Francisco Day School, 2016

Jacksonville Public Education Fund, 2016

University of the Pacific Benerd School of Education, 2017