Web-Based Technologies for Distributed (or Distance) Learning: Creating Learning-Centered Educational Experiences in the Higher Education Classroom

International Journal of Instructional Media
January 1st, 2002
Publication Author: 
Petrides, L. A.
Resource Type: 
Journal Publications

 The purpose of this paper is to examine the ways in which a higher education classroom that used Web-based technology as a supplement to a regularly scheduled classroom-based course, addressed issues of learning and learning-centered education. The findings presented in this paper, although based only on a one-semester class, lend credence to the argument that distance learning cannot be merely delivered to students, and that as educators we must instead focus on how to create learning-centered environments supported by technology, not driven by it. This paper also maintains that the discourse about distance learning projects needs to be reconceptualized as technology-based, learning-centered education, so that we as educators can better focus on the creation of a more learning-centered environment for students and life-long learners. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.